How the 'cool aunties' of pop culture flout the growing restrictions imposed on women

How the 'cool aunties' of pop culture flout the growing restrictions imposed on women

[ad_1] In the great taxonomy of aunts in popular culture, there are stern aunts, maternal aunts and cruel aunts (like malevolent Aunt Petunia in the “Harry Potter” tales). But these days one particular category of aunt appears to be on the rise: the cool aunt. You’ve probably encountered some version of the cool aunt online … Read more

To protect kids, California might require chronological feeds on social media

To protect kids, California might require chronological feeds on social media

[ad_1] Social media companies design their feeds to be as gripping as possible, with complicated algorithms shuffling posts and ads into a never-ending stream of entertainment. A new California law would require companies to shut off those algorithms by default for users under 18, and implement other mandated tweaks that lawmakers say would reduce the … Read more

Opinion: I bought a flip phone and tried to get by without my smartphone. Here's how that went

Opinion: I bought a flip phone and tried to get by without my smartphone. Here's how that went

[ad_1] About three months ago, I bought a flip phone and turned off my smartphone for good. I am part of a trend — interest in old-fashioned flip phones is up — but I don’t feel trendy. When I flip my phone open in a hallway of the middle school where I’m the principal, one … Read more

What Kind of Driver Will Your Kid Be? This Test Can Tell.

What Kind of Driver Will Your Kid Be? This Test Can Tell.

[ad_1] Listen to article (2 minutes) It’s a nervous parent’s dream: finding out your children’s risk of a driving accident before they get behind the wheel of a car. Many of us might think we can predict what kind of drivers our kids will be, but it’s impossible to know whether teens will brake too hard or steer … Read more