The Surge In Tech Layoffs Despite Wall Street Records

The Surge In Tech Layoffs Despite Wall Street Records

[ad_1] The stock market indices—Nasdaq and S&P 500—have all reached all-time highs (hope y’all are invested and raking in good passive income), primarily thanks to tech companies like Microsoft, Meta, and Alphabet achieving unparalleled market valuations. Just a couple of weeks ago, Microsoft became the most valued public company with a $2.89 trillion market cap. … Read more

Major Breakthrough for Google Deepmind as AI System Solves Complex Geometry Problems

Major Breakthrough for Google Deepmind as AI System Solves Complex Geometry Problems

[ad_1] Google Deepmind has announced a major breakthrough, claiming to have developed a new AI system capable of solving complex geometrical problems. Published on January 17, the research marks a significant development in the improvement of AI systems. While artificial intelligence has made waves with its ability to solve difficult mathematical problems, geometry continued to … Read more

Column: The AI industry has a battle-tested plan to keep using our content without paying for it

Column: The AI industry has a battle-tested plan to keep using our content without paying for it

[ad_1] This time in 2023, the world was in thrall to the rise of OpenAI’s dazzling chatbot. ChatGPT was metastasizing like a fungal infection, amassing tens of millions of users a month. Multibillion-dollar partnerships materialized, and investments poured in. Big Tech joined the party. AI image generators like Midjourney took flight. Just a year later, … Read more