Google removes links to California news sites for some users

Google removes links to California news sites for some users

[ad_1] SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Google on Friday began removing California news websites from some people’s search results, a test that acted as a threat should the state Legislature pass a law requiring the search giant to pay media companies for linking to their content. Google announced the move in a blog post on Friday, calling … Read more

Tax-free status of movie, music and games traded online is on table as WTO nations meet in Abu Dhabi

Tax-free status of movie, music and games traded online is on table as WTO nations meet in Abu Dhabi

[ad_1] GENEVA — Since late last century and the early days of the web, providers of digital media like Netflix and Spotify have had a free pass when it comes to international taxes on films, video games and music that are shipped across borders through the internet. But now, a global consensus on the issue … Read more

Meta says it will label AI-generated images on Facebook and Instagram

Meta says it will label AI-generated images on Facebook and Instagram

[ad_1] Facebook and Instagram users will start seeing labels on AI-generated images that appear on their social media feeds, part of a broader tech industry initiative to sort between what’s real and not. Meta said Tuesday it’s working with industry partners on technical standards that will make it easier to identify images and eventually video … Read more