Google removes links to California news sites for some users

Google removes links to California news sites for some users

[ad_1] SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Google on Friday began removing California news websites from some people’s search results, a test that acted as a threat should the state Legislature pass a law requiring the search giant to pay media companies for linking to their content. Google announced the move in a blog post on Friday, calling … Read more

Tax-free status of movie, music and games traded online is on table as WTO nations meet in Abu Dhabi

Tax-free status of movie, music and games traded online is on table as WTO nations meet in Abu Dhabi

[ad_1] GENEVA — Since late last century and the early days of the web, providers of digital media like Netflix and Spotify have had a free pass when it comes to international taxes on films, video games and music that are shipped across borders through the internet. But now, a global consensus on the issue … Read more