How Netflix survived the streaming wars to stay the subscription video king

How Netflix survived the streaming wars to stay the subscription video king

[ad_1] Four years ago, Netflix was faced with a formidable challenge to its dominance. Competitors including Walt Disney Co. and Warner Bros. Discovery invested billions of dollars to chip away at Netflix’s market share by launching splashy shows on their own streaming services. For a time, it seemed that Netflix was vulnerable. The company lost … Read more

He claims to have saved California homeowners billions. The insurance industry hates him

He claims to have saved California homeowners billions. The insurance industry hates him

[ad_1] Insurance industry groups have called it a “bomb-throwing bogus advocacy” group, a “publicity-seeking, dark money front,” and an organization out to protect its own “financial $elf-interest$.” These are the kinds of attacks that Harvey Rosenfield and Consumer Watchdog, the advocacy group he founded nearly 40 years ago, have come to expect. But in the … Read more

Column: The AI industry has a battle-tested plan to keep using our content without paying for it

Column: The AI industry has a battle-tested plan to keep using our content without paying for it

[ad_1] This time in 2023, the world was in thrall to the rise of OpenAI’s dazzling chatbot. ChatGPT was metastasizing like a fungal infection, amassing tens of millions of users a month. Multibillion-dollar partnerships materialized, and investments poured in. Big Tech joined the party. AI image generators like Midjourney took flight. Just a year later, … Read more